Parking Badge’s Free Parking Lot Management Software

Free Parking Management Software?

“They” say that nothing is free in this world, at ParkingBadge, we beg to differ…

Our innovative parking management software is in fact, offered as a free Saas for multiple types of parking management applications. After ParkingBadge’s free parking management software is installed and operational at a new location, every time someone pays for parking, the revenue is split between the property or parking area owner and Parking Badge- 70% for the property, and 30% to Parking Badge. 

The revenue sharing model opens the proverbial door for many types of parking management applications, whereas the property owner literally has either no up front costs or very low upfront costs to get set up and running with their new and free parking management software application. After the initial implementation of the digital parking management software, the property owner would be able to manage all of the infrastructure and logistical aspects of the parking application, including payments from one central parking management dashboard or parking management app.

How Does the Entire Process Work?

The entire set up process is fairly quick and easy in most situations. In some cases however, there may be the need for additional implementations, additional parking hardware, painting of lines, adding signage/digital signage, etc. In other cases, a parking application may have multiple parking areas, spaces, parking lots, and/or parking garages that may need to be added to the free parking management software. Additionally, there may be a further need for customizations to the free parking management software to fit the needs of these larger types of “hybrid” parking management applications.

After the initial consultation, our team will work with the parking application owner to lay out a plan to get the new free parking management system up and running as quickly and painlessly as possible. Once the system is completely set up, ParkingBadge’s experts will walk you through the free parking software system and features, while also showing your team how to properly use the parking software according to how it is set up for your specific parking application(s). 

From here it is simply a matter of communicating new parking changes, rules, and setting up payment options for people that would be using the new free parking management system. If there are any further integrations or 3rd party services that need to be added to the free parking software, in most cases, Parking Badge can accommodate the custom integrations if they are not too overly complex.

Interested in finding out more information about ParkingBadge’s innovative free parking management and parking enforcement software? Please visit-