Here’s how we charge
Here is what is included:
- All credit card costs and fees are covered.
- Regular updates to our software to ensure your info is secure.
- All training and support so that your staff can use our software effectively.
- Full access to our online and mobile applications, which include:
- Paid guest parking at your complex
- Virtual and paper permits
- Reserved parking for tenants
- Resident parking permits
- Ability to block vehicles from parking
- Interactive reports
A typical example of what you can expect to make:
- Let’s say that your apartment community has 100guest parking spots@ 75% daily occupancy.
- So that means 75 guests will pay a $5 parking fee = $375 per day.
- Daily rate of $375 multiplied by 30 days=$11,250, subtract our 30% service fee$3750
Your approximate monthly profit: