Parking management system features

Parking Badge’s Elite Automated Systems for Parking Management 

In this digital dirven world, parking has taken the helm into automation and technology. ParkingBadge is an elite parking management software company that provides software solutions for parking facilities and multiple types of parking applications, both large and small. 

Parking Management Software

Smart parking is also known as digital parking and is at the forefront of modernizing parking into the 21st century. With a combination of already installed infrastructure, software, and the install of equipment that lets the users digitally access their parking needs remotely or at the facility. These parking management technologies include cameras, sensors, signage, parking guidance, and more. These systems are known as automated parking systems and are outlined below. 

Automated Access Control

Automated access control systems are installed to control the entering and exiting of the parking facility. This equipment includes arm barriers, blockers, and bollards. These tools can be integrated into the system’s programing such as RFID Smart technology, Ticketing Dispensers, plate recognizers, as well as other sensors. Access control devices allow for the facility to have an increased security and ability to enforce rules and regulations in the parking facility. 

Automated Ticketing Systems

These systems can be integrated into the digital cloud to be programmed to ticket and manage a client’s parking in the facility. This can also be done to correspond with the ticketing dispenser machine(s) and the payment systems. 

Plate Recognition Systems

Plate recognition systems are also known as automatic number plate recognition readers (ANPR). These enable the monitoring of the access to the parking facility, as well as those exiting the facility. ANPR systems allow for the complete monitoring of the activities and going ones in the parking spaces. 

Parking Guidance Software 

The parking guidance system was created with the purpose of guiding drivers to an available space. These systems implement signage, vehicle counters that provide real time counts of available parking spaces, as well as the use of lights to indicate an available parking space. This saves time and overall stress for drivers trying to find a space aiding in overall customer satisfaction. 

Statistical Reporting 

The best way to understand the usage and revenue generated by a parking facility is through the use of a reporting software. These statistical programs are able to take the hard work out of data analysis and generate easy to read graphs and charts to understand the functionality of the parking facility. Looking at the use, length of stay, violations, incidents, and more is essential to the success of a business. The reporting offers the ability for management to take effective and efficient decisions to allocate the correct funding and attention.

Security and Surveillance 

Having a safe and secure environment is important to both owners and users of a parking facility. More so when the parking areas are open 24/7 and have a change in parking throughout the day and night. With the implementation of cameras and sensors, a manager can survey the parking areas in real time. With the use of cameras and recording software, in the case of an insurance claim or an accident in the parking facility, the authorities can have access to see what happened quickly and efficiently. Some systems also offer real time viewing of the parking space for clients to check on their car which benefits the long term parking clients at areas like airports. 

Digital parking management systems offer an amazing opportunity to the parking facility regardless of the type. With the easy to use cloud-based app that is available on Apple IOS and soon an Android app, parking has never been easier. With ParkingBadge, clients and visitors can move forward into the 21st century!

Want to find out more about ParkingBadge’s innovative digital parking permit software? Request a demo now!