Pros And Cons of Parking Management Software Systems

The Pros and Cons of Parking Management Systems

When making the decision to switch to a smart parking software system, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. As the industry starts to change to meet the needs and wants of clientele, a parking facility manager needs to know the ins and outs of the systems to make an informed decision that is best for the facility.

Statistically speaking, the switch to smart parking is one of the best ones a facility can make as the benefits greatly outweigh the possible drawbacks. These systems help improve the user’s experience and increase efficiency in the parking facility. There are several benefits for the parking facility wanting to make the switch to a digital interface.

Provides Information 

With the implementation of smart parking technology, there is a sense of information at the palm of a hand. Through the use of a cloud-based application on any device with an internet connection, a user can access common information specs such as parking costs, available spaces, policies in the facility, and more without the need of calling a number or waiting in a line. These questions can be answered anywhere and at any time.

More Efficient Process

With the use of sensors, signage, and an application that can communicate with available space and locations, a user can get to the facility and space with ease. This allows for the user of the facility to be able to plan and make adjustments to ther schedule to ensure no kinks get thrown in. One of the main advantages of a parking management system is that these can be done super quickly and without hassle.

Increased Customer Service

Even though the move to a digital system may seem like there is a lack of human help and customer service, this is far from the truth. A facility with this system can serve clientele, customers, and employees better. The reason for this is that the system allows for a more stress-free atmosphere as there is no longer a need to spend countless time searching for a space. There is less cost on the customer from less fuel use and an overall smaller carbon footprint from less pollution from idling cars.


With the use of technology and equipment like cameras, sensors, and license plate readers, a parking facility can become a very secure place for all vehicles and clients no matter the time of day or night. With the application, there is a barrier and reservation feature that can control access to the facility. With the use of CCTV, the whole facility can be monitored and can be used as a reference for law enforcement or insurance companies in the instance of an accident or claim.


One of the best features of a digital parking software is the ability to generate reports and data analysis quickly and efficiently without the use of headache inducing math and statistics. The software will also keep track of all clients and transactions for a manager to access at any time. The need for filing cabinets and tons of paper is reduced if not eliminated as all data and information is stored in a cloud server. This cloud cn be accessed through any digital device.

Decrease in Overall Costs

The installation of the parking software has a one time cost. However, with ParkingBadge, the software is completely free! Many other systems require a monthly or yearly fee, as well as charge for assistance or generated tickets. Overall the costs in the long run are greatly reduced.

When looking at the disadvantages of smart parking, potential users may have some form of hesitance about making the switch. One needs to remember though that every good thing does have some disadvantages, however, in the digital parking world these disadvantages can be easily overcome with time.

Initial Cost of Installation and Upgrades

One of the main disadvantages of making a switch to a digital system is the initial cost of converting old software or infrastructure to support a newer system. This ranges in automated ticketing booths, reporting software. Installation of equipment like cameras and sensors, new signage, and more. Depending on the scope of the operation and the overall needed upgrades, this cost can seem very daunting.

Even though this can seem high, if one thinks about the bigger picture, these costs can be made up very quickly in the facility. One time costs happen only once and are not seen again. Any improvements to a structure or business is truly having the success of a business in mind. ParkingBadge offers their software and app free of charge. Clients are only responsible for their needed upgrades and possible needed equipment. This can be a big help in reducing that one time larger payment.

Scheduled Maintenance 

With any type of machine, equipment, or device there is always going to be some form of needed maintenance. This can initially be seen as a hassle, however, prevention is key in reducing costs and avoiding pricey fixes. One would not skip an oil change in their car because that leads to expensive engine repairs. The same adage can be applied with a digital smart parking system. Taking care of the technology lets the system operate at peak potential.

Breakdowns Over Time

With any type of product or device, breakdowns can be inevitable. It is not the question of if it will happen, but rather when it will happen. In a smart parking application setting, any breakdown can result in the shutdown of the facility meaning cars can’t enter or exit the facility. By maintaining regular inspections and preventative maintenance, these breakdowns can be minimized and greatly reduced.

Uncertainty in Building Structure

In order to fully understand the undertaking and operation of a digital parking system, an operator needs to understand the overall building structure. This can include the state it is in, the foundation, structure capabilities, and more. By not knowing this information, problems and costs can arise. In order to avoid this disadvantage, an operator needs to have regular inspections of the structure and make needed changes and improvements to aid in the overall function of the smart system.

Click here for more information about Parking Badge’s innovative parking software-