Multi-Parking Management Software Systems

Managing More than One Parking Area or Facility Through Smart Parking

In the digital age, just about everything is online and can be controlled through devices that can fit in the palm of your hand. Parking is no exception. Parking facilities are included in many online as features or as upsells or add-ons and have been used as a selling point…

Top Parking Management Software Applications

Applications for Parking Management Software

The world of parking is changing and evolving to meet the needs of the 21st century driver. Smart parking is taking center stage and creating spaces that make parking better on all parties involved from the owner, employees, and clients. Parking Badge has a robust parking management software, dashboard, and app that has been tested to…

Parking Management and Parking Enforcement Software as a Financial Asset?

How Parking Management Software Can Help With a Multi-Family Mortgage Refinance

Did you know that parking software can actually be considered as a type of financial asset when either applying for a multi-family investment property mortgage or refinancing an existing multi-family property mortgage. How? Depending on the type of parking software and the parking application the parking software will be used…