How Parking Management Software Data Influences Better Business Decisions

Using the Data to Drive Decisions for Better Business in Parking Management

Steve Jobs was quoted as saying, “have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow know what you want to become.“ In the realm of the business world, including the parking industry, the use of intuition has been the sign of a good business person. The art of knowing when something is right or wrong has…

Smart Parking Meter Technology

Smart Parking and the Parking Meter- How Meters are Changing to Meet the Needs of the Modern Driver

The face of parking is changing as drivers and society is moved to a more technologically advanced one. Parking meters are also morphing to include more faucets of technology turning them into powerful machines that go beyond just the pay aspect. These smart meters are playing a critical role in delivering a…

Upgrading to a Digital Parking Management Software System

Time for an Upgrade? Digital Parking Management Software Systems

Upgrading a Parking Facility to a Digital Platform

One of the largest shifts in the parking industry is the migration to a digital platform from the older systems with cash pay only and paper ticketing. Overall the upgrades to the ‘smart’ systems are causing a major shift in the automotive and parking industries as operations great and small are changing to…

Smart Parking Management Software for CRE Developments

The Rise of Technology in Commercial Real Estate Developments 

Over the past few years, society has made major changes to the way things operate mainly with contact and communication, as well as more dependence on technology. Much of that change was hastened by the COVID-19 pandemic for safety reasons, however, the use of technology in everyday life has started to become the mainstream method of living. Technology is everywhere and…

How Parking Software Can Generate Extra Income for Commercial Apartment Buildings

Generating Extra Revenue Through Smart Parking in Commercial Apartment Complexes 

Digital parking has the potential to generate extra revenue for the apartment community that could be used for maintenance or improvements to the parking area or the complex as a whole. There are many benefits to making the switch to a more modern parking system. These highlight the opportunities for all parking facilities and residential areas...

The Application of Smart…