PropTech and CRE Property Parking Management

Changing the Face of the Real Estate Industry through PropTech and CRE Management Systems

The industry of real estate is evolving to meet the ever changing 'scape of technology integration. This has been happening over the past few years, but even more so after the pandemic. Technology and smart devices are becoming the norm for all applications. The use of this smart technology is known as proptech or property technology.…

Free and Paid Parking Management Software, Parking Enforcement, Towing Management Systems

Free and Paid Parking Management, Parking Enforcement, Towing Management Systems

There was a time when people only needed to worry about parking their car on the street. That was before cars became so expensive and there wasn’t enough room on the streets for everyone. Now, people need to worry about parking their car in a lot or garage, and they also need to worry about paying for it. Parking management…

Digital Tow Company Software

Tow Company Software

Digital Tow Company Software...

The terms smart parking or digital parking have become mainstream terminology in the parking sector even more so today with the advancement of technologies. With the rise in digital parking applications, it should come as no surprise that with it digital towing services are also growing. Towing agencies…

Parking Management and Parking Enforcement Software as a Financial Asset?

How Parking Management Software Can Help With a Multi-Family Mortgage Refinance

Did you know that parking software can actually be considered as a type of financial asset when either applying for a multi-family investment property mortgage or refinancing an existing multi-family property mortgage. How? Depending on the type of parking software and the parking application the parking software will be used…