The Advantages of Parking Management Software Systems

Advantages of Utilizing AI Technology with Digital Parking Software

The use of a parking management system is essential to the success of a parking facility in this new day and age where technology is everywhere. A facility without some form of automation or technology is either difficult or impossible to operate for all parties involved from owners, employees, and customers. The use of an advanced parking system enables an operation to improve all aspects of the business such as efficiency, security, and more.

Automated parking technology goes by many names such as digital parking or smart parking. Essentially these systems employ the use of tools and equipment to improve the parking experience. This can be through the use of cameras, sensors, lighting, signage, cloud software through an app for a device, license plate readers, and other tools or equipment dependent on the facility structure, goals,and budget.

There are several advantages to using a smart parking system. These advantages outweigh any other possible drawbacks significantly. ParkingBadge understands the needs of parking facilities large and small and are able to provide knowledge and skills to design, implement, and manage a parking facility. Overall there are seven main advantages to using these smart systems.

Advantages of Smart Parking Systems
  • Easy to maintain
  • Cost-effective
  • Versatile
  • Superior Technology
  • Increased security 

Easy Maintenance

One of the major advantages of operating a parking system with smart software is the ability to manage the whole facility easily and efficiently. These systems can be monitored, controlled, and maintained through a cloud-based application software remotely. This means that multiple facilities can be managed in one place without having to leave the house! Another key area of maintenance is that if a break occurs, it is often very easy and minimal to fix so the operation is down for less time.

Cost Effectiveness

With these systems, they eliminate the need for more people. This cuts the cost of labor and the overall risk for insurance purposes. Enforcement is also improved, so fees and other payments can be monitored quickly and effectively. These spaces also enable an operation to utilize 100 percent of the facility in comparison to around 80-90 percent with traditional facilities. This increases incomes and allows for a reduction of the cost-income ratio.

Versatile Design

No two parking facilities are the same and with digital parking, these spaces can be customized based on the structure, budget, and future goals of the facility. This can be done easily and with very little stress. These customization points can be done based on the facility’s parking area, estimated flow of traffic, and the budget. These smart systems can be custom tailored to the space with all aspects in mind through ParkingBadge.

Superior Technology

Smart parking systems have the ability to improve a better return on investments for parking facilities. One of the greatest advantages is that it reduces the overall traditional and long-term costs associated with the advanced technology. The better the technology, the better the quality of the facility. This is done through cameras, sensors, plate readers, signage, and more. This also leads to an increase in security. High tech camera and sensors enable the facility to monitor, enforce, and control the flow of traffic.

Improved Safety and Security

With the equipment and tools of smart parking, a facility has a great increase in safety and security. This is essential to a parking facility no matter the time of parking or the location. Having better security and safety measures is also a great way to have better insurance and ability to work with law enforcement when needed. The system is able to prevent parking violations and other suspicious activity in a parking facility.

Click here for more information about Parking Badge’s innovative free parking management software