Need Parking Manager Software?

Taking the Hassle Out of Property Parking Management- Smart Parking Software

In property management, there are a lot of different areas that need attention especially when those deal directly with the residents of the property. Their satisfaction and overall happiness with the property and where they live is essential in the success of the property itself. Resident retention is ideal for good reviews and a build up of trust between staff and residents. If there is a high turnover rate in a property, this can reflect poorly on management and the balance sheets. One area of high importance for residents is parking and the space provided for both their vehicles and guest vehicles. 

Property Management of Parking Areas Tips

There are several areas of concentration a property manager should look at for the overall happiness of residents and future residents. The parking areas are one of the first things a potential resident sees when pulling into the property. How the parking lot and areas look is a direct indication of  the overall management of the property and will affect decisions of potential and current residents. The maintenance and overall housekeeping are important and how they are managed sets the tone for the entire property.

TipWhy It’s Important 
Set-up a Maintenance PlanSetting up a plan and actions for overall care of a property including the parking is essential in maintaining high quality lots for residents
Diversify the Parking SpacesResidents can have different types of vehicles from work vehicles to hobby or every day use. Set up parking spaces to reflect this with motorcycle parking, regular parking, oversized parking, and depending on your clientele- trailer parking. 
Clear SignageHaving signage to let residents know about parking space type, rules, fines, and more helps in overall communication between management and clients and allows for expectations to be known and met
Have Clear Rules that Are EnforcedHaving set procedures and rules that are also enforced quickly and for each offense sets up the parking area to be efficient and a positive space for clients. 
Removal of Non-Working VehiclesBy not allowing non-working vehicles especially those that are missing tires or are jacked up removes hazards and eye sores from the parking area.
Set Specific Areas for ParkingSet aside areas for parking and not for parking. This allows for consistent use and less confusion when a resident needs to find a space. 

All of the above tips can be monitored and enforced through a digital parking platform that allows for easier access and control over a parking area for both residents and owners. Smart parking technology is perfect for residential areas and can help with the organization, enforcement of policies, and overall happiness of clients. 

What is Smart Parking?

Smart parking is also known as digital parking and utilizes equipment, tools, and a cloud-based online parking management software to control all aspects of a parking area through a mobile or connected device. Through the use of sensors, cameras, readers, and more a residential area can control the vehicles that are parked in their areas to improve availability to tenants, as well as guest parking flow. 

Aspects of Parking Covered by Smart Parking Applications 

Within a smart parking application, owners and clients can control and monitor all aspects of their parking experience based on the owner’s budget and overall goals of the operation. Integrating a smart parking software should be a part of the management plan put together on a yearly basis after the initial plan is put into place. Interactive signage that is connected to parking spaces and notifiers can communicate clearly and directly with the parking facility users such as available parking for guests and fees if any for users. Cameras, sensors, and license plate readers give a parking facility security and proper management by enforcing who comes and goes from a parking area. Residents who have their vehicles registered through the cloud based platform can enter and exit the parking area with ease. If for example, there is a car that is not registered trying to access the parking lot or area, it can be either accepted or denied through the application at the entrance. Cameras add a 24/7 surveillance that can truly add to full security without the need to extra hands on deck to monitor. If there is a car or vehicle that needs to be removed from the premise, towing companies are integrated into the application. These can be called and the needed vehicle can be removed easily. 

Smart parking upgrades the parking experience and area to bring it to the full 21st century where smartphones and tablets reign. Gone are the days of paperwork and searching for a space to park. ParkingBadge is there with the needed online materials to customize the experience for each application. Maximize your parking, maintain tenant accountability, enforce regulations, increase efficiency, and generate revenue within one parking management software solution.

Want to find out more about ParkingBadge’s innovative yet free digital parking management software? Please visit-